So after a month of not being able to post I believe I suffer from a phenonmenon called Blog Blab Blah. Most random thoughts were not captured in this past month, and there was so much that I wanted to post that now I'm suffering from overload and don't know where to begin, or even if I need too because really, most is just random thoughts and everyday details. I can catch you up a bit on my life in the last month.
Surprise, surprise I'm more pregnant than ever. Although I think that is kind of a misnomer because really, there isn't such a thing as a little bit pregnant, you either are or you aren't...I'm just further along (39 weeks, if you are counting). I've now been on mat leave for a week and a half, and that is some transition during the school year (my mat leave with Elijah started during summer vacation, so it was different). I've already been back at the school 3 times. Twice to meet with my replacement and once for the variety show (way to go Jaclyn and Angela! great job...Fame!). I've also had to transition into the idea that I don't have to follow a schedule, I don't have to be anywhere at any particular time, I can just relax (this is surprisingly difficult for me!).
I finished up at the gym last Friday (yes, I worked out for the 1st 38 weeks of my pregnancy, that does not make me some sort of hero.)
I'm enjoying my last bit of just me and Elijah time...somewhat melencholy with this because I know I won't get the same kind of time with him once the baby is here.
The baby's room and all that goes along with it seems to be ready, yes I'm excited for the baby to be here, but I'm enjoying this last bit of time before the birth, because I know what newborn reality is like. I remember not sleeping (and I didn't have a toddler around the last time). So I am napping whenever possible and enjoying books and bubble baths. Jonathan and I went out for what I believe will be our last dinner and a movie date for a while (Music and Lyrics, worth it to see Hugh Grant in 80's mode). For the record, at this point, I do not know what the sex of the baby is. And there is no majority in people's guesses either. With Elijah, 99% said boy, this baby 50-50, so half of us will be surprised in the next couple of weeks (I say couple because although, I know I could have this baby any day, Elijah was born a week late, and I'm kind of fond of the week late if I have any say in the matter.) So here's your chance for a baby poll...What sex do you think the baby will be? What day? What weight? Put your answer in my comments box, just for fun.
Rebel Queen by Michelle Moran - Giveaway!
10 years ago
1 comment:
Brad & Rachel had 2 boys, Jill and Dave had 2 boys... I think you will have ....... boy.
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