Saturday, September 12, 2009

Elijah's first day of kindergarten!

That is one excited boy. Up early and ready for school. He's been waiting for kindergarten for a long time.
Unfortunately, his little brother is not so happy with what's going on. All he knows is that brother has new stuff and he doesn't. Brother is going somewhere and he isn't. Life's tough when you are two. (Don't feel too bad for him though, this was one of the 2 days a week that is now 'Jeremy and Daddy day' and loved having Daddy all to himself)
I really wanted to get that '1st day of school shot'. I had to stop him from running to the car while I juggled the video camera and the regular camera.
Happy in his classroom, ready to meet his teacher.
Very happy to discover the lego table, filled with 'little lego'. He's been begging us for little lego as we only have duplo in the house. He's old enough for this, his brother isn't. Life's tough when you are 5. Good thing kindergarten came along.

I left him here, happy to play and went on my way. My way wasn't too far away. I teach in the same school. My classroom is in a different wing and coincidentally, his was my first class of the day. He got a kick out of calling me "Mrs. Springthorpe" and did so extraneously.

Now that the first week of school is over, I'd say he's pretty happy to be there. He couldn't believe I wasn't making him a lunch for his lunchbox today. He's pretty thrilled with his teacher too, life is now full of "Mr. Whalen said...." and "Mr. Whalen did...".

So my son, I wish you well in your educational journey, may you never lose your love of learning!

Those of you who are my facebook friends, there are more pictures of Elijah's first day posted in my photos to look at :o)

1 comment:

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

I liked the pics and the post. I can understand how deeply thought provoking such moments are when you are sending your kid to his first day in kindergarten.

All the best to Elijah.

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