Saturday, December 12, 2009


One of Elijah's favorite expressions lately is when I am about to shampoo the both of them during bathtime - "oh, she's coming to deal with us!" and once I'm shampooing - "She's dealing with us!"
The other morning started out just like any other. I had the boys dressed and ready, set out their breakfast so they could eat while I grabbed my shower. I knew there was trouble waiting when I turned off the taps and heard Elijah exclaim, "Jeremy, that is NOT good - Mommy is not going to be happy with you!"
I sighed, and dressed quickly. When I came out of the bathroom and looked into the dining room, this is the face I saw:

That's yogurt folks, all over Jeremy's head. I then tossed him into the tub to "deal with him".

What a difference a week makes

This is my boys 2 weekends ago. We took advantage of our 'warm' end of November weather and went for a walk at Rockwood park.

This is my boys last weekend. Out in the snow for our first real snowfall of the year.
Today it is much too cold to be outside. Jeremy complains walking from the house to the car and sighs with relief once he reaches it, announcing "I made it!".

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's all in a concert

These past few weeks represent the busiest time of year for my job. It starts somewhere in October and ends shortly before Christmas break. It's peak performance time among school aged kiddies.
Starting in October I begin getting kids ready for Remembrance Day services, very closely followed by early Christmas kick-off celebrations (Santa Claus parade, Empty Stocking Fund Telecast). Along the way I add to it plans and prep for yet another brilliant Christmas Concert (or two depending on how many schools I work at, it's been two for most of my time as a music teacher). These plans gather up steam the week before concert (trying not to have the kids peak in performance too early) and hope and pray not to be snowed out of any rehearsal or concert time. I know music teachers are the only ones who do not appreciate a storm day this time of year - come January bring 'em on :o) As for being sick, well, I teach sick if at all possible, with some classes I miss one day, I don't see them again for another week and it's very difficult to find a music based sub teacher willing to go over music with the kids. All I can say is I'm really looking forward to this time next week, when all will be a memory loaded into the camcorders of the families I teach. I hope they enjoy it!

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