Friday, July 24, 2009

Who's Googling Me?

I enjoy having Site Meter linked to my blogs. It gives me a good idea of who's reading and when and why. I looked up some of the referrals for this one today. Some of the googles didn't surprise me, things like "Paul McCartney Halifax", "Starblazers" (I get that one a lot), "Corb Lund" - all things I've written about. Then there was one google that stood out, "Kristen's Contemplations" mean someone actually googled my actual blog site? Who? Why? Friend? Just for interests sake, if you've ended up on my site today, leave a comment to tell me how you got here and why. Thanks!


AngelaMae said...

Well... you know me and I came by to read your latest comments on life... <3

Sarah said...

The case of "Who's Googling me?" may have been solved...I think I might have been your mystery googler:) I remembered you had a blog and there it was thanks to our friend Google. Keep up the great writing Kris!

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