Monday, April 7, 2008


At our last PD Day, Angela showed us a DVD about celebrating what is right in the world (the latest kick our school district is on). The fellow hosting it, Dewitt Jones, is a National Geographic photographer turned motivational speaker. As I was watching this, I just kept thinking, man, I should get more into photography. I so much enjoyed his pictures. I really enjoy taking pictures myself...especially now that everything is digital, so I can just shoot picture after picture, capturing the moment. Jonathan gave me a beautiful Olympus camera for Christmas 06 and it is a treasure to me. I would love to learn more of how I can become better at photography. Here are a few of Dewitt Jones' pictures for a little creative inspiration.


Jilly said...

oh, oh! You should check out this site for two amazing mamas photos. I have started following it (well, until Lappy went in for repairs) and I find their photos super inspiring.

Chris Burke said...

hey kristen, this is the site i use to learn photography stuff

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